Honouring Vicki Funk ((1947-2019), a founding member of the International Biogeography Society (IBS), and 4th past IBS president), the ‘Funk Lecture Series‘ is a monthly, online seminar with guest speakers from around the world. This lecture series is hosted by the IBS, and has been made free and open access, in the spirit of connecting biogeographers around the world and increasing awareness of their contributions. We invite you to attend the lectures, and hope to see you there!
February 24, 2021: Jahnavi Joshi
February 24, 2021
Start time: 3 pm (UTC) (8:30 pm India Standard Time)
Join us in February for a talk by Jahnavi Joshi on ‘The Centipede’s Sanctuary: Exploring Ancient Refugia from the Western Ghats, India‘. Joshi is an Assistant Professor at CSIR-Centre for Cellular and Molecular biology, in Hyderabad, India. She studies systematics, biogeography, diversification, and community assembly in the tropics primarily using arthropods as a model system. No registration needed, just join at the start time (3pm UTC)!
See more information about upcoming speakers at: