Following October’s IBS Election Survey to members, we’re pleased to announce that the following people have been voted in, and have accepted the incoming (or ongoing) positions on the International Biogeography Society Board for the 2022-2024 term.

Join us in welcoming them, we look forward to having their expertise on the board!

President Elect

Susanne Renner

Washington University, USA


Miguel Matias

Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (CSIC, Spain) & Centre for Research on Biodiversity and Genetic Resources (CIBIO-UE, Portugal)


George Stevens

Good Coin Foundation, USA

Vice President for Conference Organization

Tereza Jezkova

Miami University, USA

Vice President for Development and Awards

David Nogués-Bravo

University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Vice President for Public Affairs and Communications

Sandra Nogué

CREAF, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain

Director at Large

Nicholas Matzke

University of Auckland, New Zealand

Director at Large

Pilar Rodriguez

Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad, México

Student at Large

Israel Temitope Borokini

University of California, USA

Tereza Jezkova and Israel Borokini have started their terms a little early, and are currently operating as Co-VP for Conferences, and Co-Student at Large, respectively, as of December 1, 2021.  We’re happy to have them on board a little early!

Additionally, Felisa Smith and Kathy Willis will continue on as part of their longer term commitments moving to the positions below.


Felisa Smith

University of New Mexico, USA


Kathy Willis

University of Oxford, UK