May 31, 2023
5-6 pm UTC
Join us on Wednesday, May 31 at 5 pm UTC, for a talk by Professor Jennifer McElwain.
In this talk ‘Tropical Arctic‘ Jenny will/ explain our planet’s story of environmental upheaval, mass extinction, and resilience as revealed by fossil plants unearthed from Triassic and Jurassic strata of East Greenland. By looking at Earth’s past through the lenses of both science and art, we will see a glimpse of the future of our warming planet.
A short biography:
Jennifer McElwain is Professor of Botany at Trinity College Dublin and Director of Trinity College Botanic Garden. She has published widely on palaeobotany, plant evolution and plant-climate and plant-atmosphere interactions. She is an advanced ERC awardee, Fellow of the Paleontological Society, Member of the Royal Irish Academy and recipient of the RIA Gold Medal in Geosciences and Environmental Sciences (2022).