sdm is a comprehensive modelling and simulation framework that enables fitting of individual and community-based species distribution models, while supporting markedly different modelling methods including correlative, process-based (mechanistic), agent-based, and cellular automata. It generates ensembles of models, and several options for evaluation of model results and projection of species potential distributions in space and time. The generic design of sdm is object-oriented making it flexible and amenable to efficient handling of errors. The object-oriented design also makes it easily extended by users wanting to support additional models and/or procedures for any of the main steps in species distribution modelling. sdm employs high performance computing solutions to speed up modelling, and also provides a graphical user interface (GUI) making it friendly even for users who are not familiar with R.

The sdm package is developed by the organisers of this workshop, and punlished as a cover paper in the journal of Ecography (Naimi and Araujo, 2016). The workshop includes three sessions. In the first session, the concept of species distribution modelling will be discussed followed by practical exercises to get familiar with the principles of statistical modelling. In the second session, the sdm R package will be introduced and its capabilities will be demonstrated. In the third session, the participants will work on a real project followed by a demonstration of solutions using the sdm R package. It is recommended that the participants have the latest version of R and rstudio installed on their laptops.

Depth of knowledge needed by attendees: Being familiar with R

Mode of organization: Online, including 3 sessions of 2.5 hours

Dates: 13-16 December 2024

Time: 2:00 – 6:00 p.m. GMT

PRICE: $65 (members) – $85 (non-members)