IBS Évora 2018

Special Meeting
Climate Change Biogeography
Global environmental changes are driving biodiversity loss at unprecedented rates constituting a major threat to both human welfare and ecological stability. This realization has led to a growing interest in forecasting biological responses from local to global scales and from genes to ecosystems services. Despite unprecedented knowledge about natural systems it is not yet possible to make accurate predictions due to our incomplete understanding of how biological systems function and interact with physical and socioeconomic factors. Anthropogenic climate change and its realized and potential socio-environmental impacts and feedbacks represent the kind of large‐scale complex phenomena for which the integrative broad‐scale view of biogeography is especially useful. This meeting focuses on the role of Biogeography in addressing the challenges associated with predicting future responses to climate change.
Thanks to the fantastic organizers for an engaged and excellent meeting!
Organizing Committee:
- Miguel Matias (Inbio/CIBIO-Évora)
- Joana Vicente (Inbio/CIBIO-Porto)
- Márcia Barbosa (Inbio/CIBIO-Évora)
- César Capinha (Inbio/CIBIO-Lisboa)
- Ana Margarida (Guida) Santos (Univ. Alcalá)
Scientific Committee:
- Miguel B. Araújo (chair)
- Felisa Smith
- José Alexandre A.F. Diniz-Filho
- Catherine Graham
- Kate Lyons
- Willfried Thuiller
- Natália Melo