IBS 2017 India
The Biogeography of South Asia
The Indian biogeography community would like to welcome you to the International Biogeography Society special meeting this September in Bengaluru, India. The venue for the meeting is the 150-year-old Indian Institute of Science campus – at the National Science Symposium Complex – an auditorium with all modern facilities and rooms for break-out discussions and parallel sessions.
Talks at this meeting will address broad biogeographic questions in the context of South Asia. There will be sessions with both invited and contributed talks covering conservation biogeography, integrative taxonomy, Gondwana to Laurasia, community phylogenetic, diversification in Indian biodiversity hotspots, community phylogenetics, macroecology and paleoecology of the Indian plate. In addition to oral presentations, there will be highlighted poster sessions. Workshops on various skills and tools will be conducted on the first day of the conference.