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So far Affinity Bridge has created 41 blog entries.

Call for workshops – Climate Change Biogeography – IBS Special Meeting

Call for workshops The International Biogeography Society seeks proposals for workshops to be held at the 2018 special International Biogeography Society meeting on Climate Change Biogeography, 21-25 March, 2018 in Évora, Portugal. Workshops are an exciting part of IBS meetings as they offer great opportunities to disseminate and learn about cutting-edge topics in biogeography. Workshops can [...]

2017-10-26T15:13:01-04:00Categories: Meetings, News|

Call for Symposia – Climate Change Biogeography – IBS Special Meeting

Call for Plenary symposia The International Biogeography Society is seeking for three plenary symposia to be held at the 2018 special International Biogeography Society meeting on Climate Change Biogeography, 21-25 March, 2018 in Évora, Portugal. The symposia are an integral part of our meeting as they are in the form of plenary sessions in which [...]

2017-10-26T15:13:14-04:00Categories: Meetings, News, Symposia call|

Doctoral Fellowship – Leipzig University

Leipzig University offers the following position: Doctoral fellowship (initially limited to 3 years, 65 percent of a full-time employment)Salary: Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-Lon “Improving Alien species Distribution knowledge by Integrating Data Across Scales (iADIDAS)” Background: Biological invasions have become a key driver of global environmental change, but research and management remain hampered by a lack of [...]

2017-10-26T15:15:59-04:00Categories: Jobs, News, PhD Postings|

Summer Courses – Dendrochronology (University of Arizona, Tucson)

The Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research (LTRR) is offering three (3) shortsummer courses in dendrochronology, focusing on Dendroecology,Dendroclimatology, and Dendroarchaeology. Classes will convene for threeweeks from 15 May 2017 through 2 June 2017 at the campus of theUniversity of Arizona in Tucson.These intensive courses will introduce students to theory, laboratoryand field techniques, and current research in each subfield. Courseswill [...]

2017-02-17T10:09:00-05:00Categories: News|

BES Symposium – the Macroecology of Alien Species

BES symposium - The Macroecology of Alien Species.www.britishecologicalsociety.org/SYMP2017/DurhamThis timely, 2-day symposium in the historic and beautiful city of Durham will bring together invasion ecologists and macroecologists, working on many different taxonomic groups, to build a global synthesis of alien species distribution and richness. The symposium will explore the major drivers behind the mixing of the [...]

2017-10-26T15:13:42-04:00Categories: Meetings, News|

PhD positions – School of Life Sciences (Arizona State University)

The Macrosystems Ecology Lab (PI Benjamin Blonder) will be moving from the University of Oxford to Arizona State University (http://www.asu.edu) in Tempe, Arizona. The lab's focus is on predictive community ecology and biogeography, paleoecological and anthropogenic effects on biodiversity dynamics, and global change plant ecophysiology. We use a combination of field, eco-informatics, and modeling approaches [...]

2017-10-26T15:16:11-04:00Categories: News, PhD Postings|

2 PhD positions available: Utah State University (Will Pearse)

The Pearse Lab at Utah State University is recruiting for PhD students to start in the 2017 academic year. We are an inter-disciplinary lab, studying the interactions between community ecology and evolutionary biology using cutting-edge statistical techniques. We are looking for two students: one with experience in ecological and/or evolutionary modelling, and another with experience [...]

2017-10-26T15:16:22-04:00Categories: News, PhD Postings|

Post-Doc position – PALEOECOLOGY – U. New Mexico

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral research associate in PALEOECOLOGY at the University of New Mexico.  Support exists for a 1-2 year appointment with extension subject to successful progress. The candidate will work with Drs. Felisa Smith and Seth Newsome at UNM on a new project investigating the ecological consequences of the terminal Pleistocene megafauna [...]

2017-10-26T15:16:33-04:00Categories: News, PhD Postings|
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