Workshop — sdm: a reproducible and extensible R package for species distribution modelling

sdm is a comprehensive modelling and simulation framework that enables fitting of individual and community-based species distribution models, while supporting markedly different modelling methods including correlative, process-based (mechanistic), agent-based, and cellular automata. It generates ensembles of models, and several options for evaluation of model results and projection of species potential distributions in space and [...]

2025-03-06T12:52:18-05:00Categories: Featured, Misc posts, News, past workshop, workshop|

Workshop — Take your species distribution models to the next level with Bayesian non-parametric regression

Bayesian Additive Regression Trees (BART) are a powerful machine learning technique with very promising applications in ecology and biogeography in general, and in species distribution modelling (SDM) in particular. BART can produce highly accurate predictions without overfitting to noise or to particular cases in the data. Notably, unlike most SDM methods, BART generally shows [...]

Workshop — Biodiversity Data Publishing in GBIF and Data Papers – Darwin Core

Biodiversity data publishing is critical for several reasons, ranging from scientific research and conservation to policy-making and education. Darwin Core, a standardized framework for sharing biodiversity information, plays a crucial role in facilitating the effective use of biodiversity data. We this approach we are responding to WALLACEAN SHORTFALL  - The Wallacean shortfall is named [...]

2024-10-04T12:02:28-04:00Categories: Featured, Misc posts, News, past workshop, workshop|Tags: , |

July 2024 Funk Lecture

Join us on Wednesday, July 31, at 4 pm UTC for the Funk Lecture given by Dolors Armenteras Pascual. Talk Title: "Biogeographic Perspectives on Amazon Forest Degradation" Dolors Armenteras is a Full Professor of Landscape Ecology at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia in Bogotá. Initially trained as a biologist at the University of [...]

June 2024 Funk Lecture

Join us on Wednesday, June 26, at 4 pm UTC for the Funk Lecture given by Michael Douglas. Talk title: "Promoting Biogeography Through Cruise Ship Lecturing" Dr. Douglas is a retired NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) research meteorologist who worked for 22 years at the National Severe Storms Laboratory in Norman, Oklahoma. [...]

2024-06-27T16:26:51-04:00Categories: Featured, Funk Lectures, Misc posts, News|Tags: , , , , |

April 2024 Funk Lecture

Join us on Wednesday, April 24, at 5 pm UTC for the Funk Lecture given by Barnabas Daru. Talk Title: "The biogeography of native botanical diversity in the age of humans" Barnabas Daru is an Assistant Professor of Biology at Stanford University. Research in his lab focuses on the broad patterns of plant [...]

2024-08-13T15:46:13-04:00Categories: Featured, Funk Lectures, Misc posts, News|Tags: , , , , |

Meet the new TIBS Board Members!

Join us in welcoming the new board members for the International Biogeography Society (2024-2026)! President: Susanne Renner President elect: Toby Pennington Past president: Felisa Smith Secretary: Alexandra Muellner-Riehl Vice President for Development and Awards: Raimundo Real Gimenez Vice President for Conferences: Mark Costello Director at Large: Jenny McGuire Director at Large: Pablo A. Marquet Student-at-Large: [...]

2024-03-15T05:45:55-04:00Categories: Featured, Misc posts, News|Tags: , , , , , |

2024 Dissertation Awardee

Congratulations to Dr. Benjamin R. Shipley (Georgia Institute of Technology, United States) recipient of the International Biogeography Society’s 2024 Dissertation Award! Dissertation committee members: Jenny McGuire, Lin Jiang, Joseph Mendelson, Joel Kostka, and Brody Sandel. Chaired by Israel Borokini, IBS Student-at-large. The Geography, Ecology, and Evolution of Mammalian Endemism Synopsis Understanding how and [...]

2024-01-15T01:54:56-05:00Categories: Awards, Featured, Misc posts, News|Tags: , , , , |

2024 MacArthur & Wilson Awardee

Congratulations to Dr.  Tom Matthews– recipient of the International Biogeography Society’s 2024 MacArthur & Wilson Award! Tom Matthews, a Senior Research Fellow at the School of Geogrphy of the University of Birmingham, specializes in global environmental change through macroecological, macroevolutionary, and biogeographical studies. He employs both theoretical and empirical approaches to explore macroecological [...]

2024-01-02T02:00:29-05:00Categories: Awards, Featured, Misc posts, News|Tags: , , , , , |
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