March 2025 Funk Biogeography Seminar — André Bellvé

Functional Collapse: Reconstructing animal-vectored nutrient fluxes in paleoenvironments Centuries of human activity has led to declines in species’ ranges and abundances, but relatively little is know about the ecological functions of many species before human arrivals. One such function is  animal-vectored nutrient fluxes – that is, the cross-ecosystem movement of [...]

February 2025 Funk Biogeography Seminar — Sidney Gouveia

Ecogeographical rules, such as Bergmann’s and Allen’s, are grounded in the physical principles of heat transfer. However, most studies have focused on their prevalence across species rather than their underlying mechanisms. A closer examination of the physics of heat and mass transfer in animals reveals new insights that enhance our mechanistic understanding of body [...]

January 2025 Funk Biogeography Seminar — Jamie Wood

Join us on Wednesday, January 29 at 10:00 pm UTC, for a talk by Dr. Jamie Wood. A core focus of biogeographical research is how climatic, geological and environmental factors influence the distribution of species on Earth. Yet interactions with other species, through processes such as competition, predation and parasitism, may also strongly influence [...]

November 2024 Funk Biogeography Seminar — Robin Chazdon

Join us on Wednesday, November 20, at 4:00 pm UTC for the Funk Biogeography Seminar given by Dr. Robin Chazdon. Talk Title: "Leveraging Natural Regeneration of Tropical Forests to Achieve Large-scale Forest Restoration" Forest restoration is a global priority, but we lack a practical framework for matching restoration opportunities with the most appropriate [...]

October 2024 Funk Biogeography Seminar — Amanda Bates

Join us on Wednesday, October 30, at 4:00 pm UTC for the Funk Biogeography Seminar given by Dr. Amanda Bates. Talk Title: "Evidence for Direct Effects of Climate Change on Biodiversity in North America" Understanding the link between biodiversity and climate change is essential for developing effective, long-term climate solutions that promote healthy [...]

September 2024 Funk Biogeography Seminar — Sally Keith

Join us on Wednesday, September 25, at 4 pm UTC for the Funk Biogeography Seminar given by Sally Keith. Talk Title: "Macrobehaviour: Behavioural Variation Across Space, Time and Taxa " Integrating behavioural ecology and macroecology can provide fundamental new insight into both fields, with particular relevance for understanding ecological responses to rapid environmental change. [...]

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