Funk Lecture Series – February 2022
Join us on February 23rd for a talk by Jenny McGuire: ‘Paleoecology reveals dynamic landscapes: the case for conserving for change'
Join us on February 23rd for a talk by Jenny McGuire: ‘Paleoecology reveals dynamic landscapes: the case for conserving for change'
Join us on November 24th for award-winning oral presentations by Oskar Hagen, Rohit Chakravarty, and Nina Witteveen, from the Virtual IBS Early Career Biogeographers Conference of last October
Join us on September 29th for a talk by Ole Vetaas on ‘Elevational Gradients and Mountain Biodiversity’, an overview of the Frontiers of Biogeography’s special issue.
Join us for our 7th lecture in the Funk Lecture Series on Biogeography, on Wednesday, May 26th at 4 pm UTC, for a free talk by Dr. Jessica Blois on 'Spatiotemporal patterns of species and community change in California small mammals'
Join us the last Wednesday in April for the free webinar 'Using Large-Scale Integrative Analyses to Understand Global Patterns of Fern Diversity' by Michael Sundue from the University of Vermont. April 28, Noon EDT (4 pm UTC).
Join us for the Funk Lecture Series on Biogeography - a free online series highlighting biogeographers around the world, held the last Wednesday of the month. Next talk: March 31, 2021. Gretta Pecl: Climate-driven species re-distribution in marine coastal systems.