Call for Symposia – Climate Change Biogeography – IBS Special Meeting

Call for Plenary symposia The International Biogeography Society is seeking for three plenary symposia to be held at the 2018 special International Biogeography Society meeting on Climate Change Biogeography, 21-25 March, 2018 in Évora, Portugal. The symposia are an integral part of our meeting as they are in the form of plenary sessions in which [...]

2017-10-26T15:13:14-04:00Categories: Meetings, News, Symposia call|

BES Symposium – the Macroecology of Alien Species

BES symposium - The Macroecology of Alien timely, 2-day symposium in the historic and beautiful city of Durham will bring together invasion ecologists and macroecologists, working on many different taxonomic groups, to build a global synthesis of alien species distribution and richness. The symposium will explore the major drivers behind the mixing of the [...]

2017-10-26T15:13:42-04:00Categories: Meetings, News|

Call for workshop proposals – IBS 2017, Tucson, AZ

The International Biogeography Society seeks proposals for workshops for the 2017 Biennial Conference, 9-13 January, 2017 in Tucson, Arizona, USA.  Workshops are an exciting part of our meeting as they offer in-depth opportunities to learn about topics of biogeography, often bringing in people to the conference that otherwise might not attend.  Workshops can be either [...]

2017-10-26T15:17:10-04:00Categories: Meetings, News|

24th Biennial Meeting of the American Quaternary Association June 28-July 2, 2016

What: 24th Biennial Meeting of the American Quaternary Association  When: June 28-July 2, 2016Where: Santa Fe Convention Center, Santa Fe, NMInfo: pressing challenge for Quaternarists is the development of innovative and robust methodologies and approaches to discriminate how geological and ecological rates and processes in the Anthropocene deviate from the Holocene and other times past. The 24th AMQUA [...]

2017-10-26T15:16:49-04:00Categories: Meetings, News|

MEDECOS XIV International Conference – XIII AEET Meeting

MEDECOS XIV International Conference - XIII AEET Meeting31st January‐4th February 2017Seville, Spain“Human‐driven scenarios for evolutionary and ecological changes”MEDECOS is an international conference organized by ISOMED, the International Society of Mediterranean Ecology, which aims to bring together the scientific community interested in Mediterranean-type ecosystems (MTEs). AEET is the Spanish Ecological Society mainly devoted to terrestrial systems.This [...]

2017-10-26T15:16:56-04:00Categories: Meetings, News|
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