Workshop — Species Distribution Modeling for Conservation with “Wallace EcoMod”

Species distribution modeling (SDM) enables conservation scientists to make range estimates for species of concern, as well as predictions of potential range in unsampled areas and for different time periods. With colleagues, we recently (Kass et al., Ecography 2023) developed the application Wallace EcoMod (, which offers access to the latest SDM tools through [...]

2025-01-11T16:52:02-05:00Categories: Featured, Misc posts, News, past workshop, workshop|

Workshop — sdm: a reproducible and extensible R package for species distribution modelling

sdm is a comprehensive modelling and simulation framework that enables fitting of individual and community-based species distribution models, while supporting markedly different modelling methods including correlative, process-based (mechanistic), agent-based, and cellular automata. It generates ensembles of models, and several options for evaluation of model results and projection of species potential distributions in space and [...]

2025-03-06T12:52:18-05:00Categories: Featured, Misc posts, News, past workshop, workshop|

Workshop — Biodiversity Data Publishing in GBIF and Data Papers – Darwin Core

Biodiversity data publishing is critical for several reasons, ranging from scientific research and conservation to policy-making and education. Darwin Core, a standardized framework for sharing biodiversity information, plays a crucial role in facilitating the effective use of biodiversity data. We this approach we are responding to WALLACEAN SHORTFALL  - The Wallacean shortfall is named [...]

2024-10-04T12:02:28-04:00Categories: Featured, Misc posts, News, past workshop, workshop|Tags: , |

Workshop – Estimating biogeographic history with BioGeoBEARS and PhyBEARS

Historical biogeography methods have long been dominated by the "dispersal versus vicariance" debate, and different computer programs (e.g. DIVA, Lagrange, BayArea) have made different fixed assumptions about the importance of these processes. Researchers typically just run the different programs, and observe whether or not the inferences differ, but they have no ability to judge, [...]

2024-08-16T19:04:08-04:00Categories: News, past workshop, workshop|Tags: , , , , , |
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