5 international PhDs in macroecology & biodiversity conservation

To do research on a hot topic in biodiversity science: How do species survive climate change, land use and other human pressures? Students will be enrolled in a joint award PhD program between the University of Adelaide and University of Copenhagen. Here they will be supervised and mentored by leaders in macroecology and biodiversity conservation, [...]

2023-05-23T06:47:52-04:00Categories: Featured, Jobs, Misc posts, News, PhD Postings|Tags: , , |

Doctoral Fellowship – Leipzig University

Leipzig University offers the following position: Doctoral fellowship (initially limited to 3 years, 65 percent of a full-time employment)Salary: Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-Lon “Improving Alien species Distribution knowledge by Integrating Data Across Scales (iADIDAS)” Background: Biological invasions have become a key driver of global environmental change, but research and management remain hampered by a lack of [...]

2017-10-26T15:15:59-04:00Categories: Jobs, News, PhD Postings|

PhD positions – School of Life Sciences (Arizona State University)

The Macrosystems Ecology Lab (PI Benjamin Blonder) will be moving from the University of Oxford to Arizona State University (http://www.asu.edu) in Tempe, Arizona. The lab's focus is on predictive community ecology and biogeography, paleoecological and anthropogenic effects on biodiversity dynamics, and global change plant ecophysiology. We use a combination of field, eco-informatics, and modeling approaches [...]

2017-10-26T15:16:11-04:00Categories: News, PhD Postings|

2 PhD positions available: Utah State University (Will Pearse)

The Pearse Lab at Utah State University is recruiting for PhD students to start in the 2017 academic year. We are an inter-disciplinary lab, studying the interactions between community ecology and evolutionary biology using cutting-edge statistical techniques. We are looking for two students: one with experience in ecological and/or evolutionary modelling, and another with experience [...]

2017-10-26T15:16:22-04:00Categories: News, PhD Postings|

Post-Doc position – PALEOECOLOGY – U. New Mexico

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral research associate in PALEOECOLOGY at the University of New Mexico.  Support exists for a 1-2 year appointment with extension subject to successful progress. The candidate will work with Drs. Felisa Smith and Seth Newsome at UNM on a new project investigating the ecological consequences of the terminal Pleistocene megafauna [...]

2017-10-26T15:16:33-04:00Categories: News, PhD Postings|
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