June 2023 Funk Lecture

June 28, 2023 5-6 pm UTC Join us on Wednesday, June 28 at 5 pm UTC, for a talk by Luís Valente. Islands: laboratories of biogeography threatened by anthropogenic extinction Luís Valente is an evolutionary biologist and island biogeographer interested in biodiversity in isolated environments. He uses fieldwork, phylogenetics, modelling and genomics [...]

5 international PhDs in macroecology & biodiversity conservation

To do research on a hot topic in biodiversity science: How do species survive climate change, land use and other human pressures? Students will be enrolled in a joint award PhD program between the University of Adelaide and University of Copenhagen. Here they will be supervised and mentored by leaders in macroecology and biodiversity conservation, [...]

2023-05-23T06:47:52-04:00Categories: Featured, Jobs, Misc posts, News, PhD Postings|Tags: , , |

May 2023 Funk Lecture

May 31, 2023 5-6 pm UTC Join us on Wednesday, May 31 at 5 pm UTC, for a talk by Professor Jennifer McElwain. In this talk 'Tropical Arctic' Jenny will/ explain our planet’s story of  environmental upheaval, mass extinction, and resilience as revealed by  fossil plants unearthed from Triassic and Jurassic strata of East [...]

TIBS Education Committee Representative

The TIBS Education Committee seeks an early career member representative!  The main mission of the Education Committee is to promote the training and education of biogeographers so that they can develop sound strategies for studying and conserving the world's biota. Thus, the Committee brainstorms on strategies to expand and enhance the teaching of [...]

Job Announcement

Post-doc in Ecological Niche Modeling at the University of Kansas We are seeking applications for a full-time post-doctoral researcher at the Biodiversity Institute at the University of Kansas. This is a 2-year position, with the possibility of extension. The postdoc will conduct ecological niche modeling (ENM) analyses focused on Neogene and modern marine [...]

2023-02-15T01:24:15-05:00Categories: News|

February 2023 Funk Lecture

February 22, 2023 5-6 pm UTC Funk lecture series continues unabated! Join us on Wednesday, February 22 at 5 pm UTC, for a talk by Prof. José Alexandre Felizola Diniz Filho. José Alexandre F. Diniz-Filho is a Professor in Ecology and Evolution at Universidade Federal de Goiás, in Central Brazil, for over [...]

Job Announcement – The University of Potsdam, Faculty of Science, Environmental Sciences and Geography, Landscape Ecology

Young, modern, and research-oriented... the University of Potsdam has firmly established itself within the scientific landscape since its founding in 1991. Nationally and internationally renowned scientists teach and perform research here at Brandenburg’s largest university. The University of Potsdam is successful in acquiring third-party funds, delivers outstanding performance in technology and knowledge transfer, and [...]

2022-12-21T03:52:54-05:00Categories: News|

Workshop – Estimating biogeographic history with BioGeoBEARS and PhyBEARS

Historical biogeography methods have long been dominated by the "dispersal versus vicariance" debate, and different computer programs (e.g. DIVA, Lagrange, BayArea) have made different fixed assumptions about the importance of these processes. Researchers typically just run the different programs, and observe whether or not the inferences differ, but they have no ability to judge, [...]

2024-08-16T19:04:08-04:00Categories: News, past workshop, workshop|Tags: , , , , , |
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