Recognition Awards

The International Biogeography Society recognizes a variety of outstanding contributions to the field of biogeography in the form of awards to individuals.  Two main awards are given at the biennial international conferences:

The Alfred Russel Wallace Award was established by The International
Biogeography Society in 2004 to recognize an outstanding current research record and impact by an eminent scholar in any subdiscipline of biogeography.

Nominations should consist of a supporting cover letter of no more than 500
words, co-signed by two biogeographers, plus an abbreviated CV of the nominee.
Nominations should be sent to Raimundo Real at no later than 1
February 2025.

Previous Awardees:

The MacArthur and Wilson Award was established by The International
Biogeography Society in 2012 to recognize an individual for a notable, innovative contribution to biogeography. This award targets comparatively early career
investigators and recipients who have completed their Ph.D. no more than 12 years before the deadline for nominations. The committee has some flexibility in regard to
this criterion, to take into account different life and career paths. A pair of collaborators might be considered, providing both are eligible by this criterion.

Nominations or self-nominations, consisting of a cover letter of no more than 500 words, an abbreviated CV of the nominee, and evidence of four key papers or
contributions to biogeography, should be sent to Raimundo Real
at no later than 1 February 2025.

Previous Awardees:

TIBS makes two other periodic awards – one recognizing someone for best doctoral dissertation and another to mark a special occasion by awarding a Lifetime Honorary Membership.

The Doctoral Dissertation Award was created by The International Biogeography Society in 2017 to recognize outstanding work done by students and recent Ph.D. graduates. It aims to recognize and promote innovative dissertation work that brings together diverse fields of study, and in so doing, is likely to make major contributions to the field of Biogeography. Early Career Biogeographers are eligible if they plan to complete their Ph.D. by 2026 or if they have completed their Ph.D. within the past three years.

Submission documents:

A cover page that contains

  • Dissertation title and author
  • Name of the University at which the dissertation was awarded
  • Names and contact information for dissertation committee members
  • Date the dissertation was officially completed, or when it is anticipated to be completed

A 500-word synopsis of the Ph.D. dissertation that should include a brief summary of the state of the field as well as the contributions provided by the candidate. Synopses should clearly articulate how the chapters (either published or unpublished) fit together and warrant attention as a single body of work, clearly listing those already published (including citation) and those yet to be published at the time of submission.

A 200-word statement that describes the significance of the dissertation research,
its novelty, and why this work has the potential to be influential going forward.

A link to the dissertation chapters, whether they be published, submitted for
publication or still in manuscript form.

The candidate’s Curriculum Vitae containing a list of publications and manuscripts in preparation, awards, and other academic experience.

Documents should be sent by email to Raimundo Real at no later than 1 March 2025.

Previous Awardees

The Society shall occasionally take the opportunity of a particular anniversary or event to award Lifetime Honorary Membership for especially notable contributions to biogeography.

Nominations will be considered twice per year by the IBS Awards Committee and confirmed with the recipient prior to announcement.  Nominations may be submitted at any time to the President at least 6 months preceding a relevant anniversary or event and should consist of (1) a complete CV and (2) a biography of the nominee written in the style of a “Profiles – biography” article suitable for publication in Frontiers of Biogeography. We encourage simultaneous submission of the nomination package to the IBS and the biography to Frontiers of Biogeography. Awards are expected to be made rarely, but all biographies will be considered for publication in Frontiers of Biogeography coinciding with the anniversary or event.

James H. Brown (2013) – read the announcement
Edward O. Wilson (2007) – read the announcement

Travel awards

This new award will support travel to Aarhus and registration fees for two early-
career individuals from the Global South to deliver contributed or invited talks. Self-
nominations, consisting of a cover letter of no more than 500 words, an abbreviated
CV, and evidence of an abstract accepted for the Aarhus meeting should be sent to
Raimundo Real at within 2 weeks after the information about
abstract acceptance will have been mailed out.

Looking to nominate someone for an award or apply for any open travel grants?  Check out the news page for the latest announcements or contact us with questions.